Category: Our Events
Change of Date: Escape game with StrasAir
Dear StrasAir members and friends, We are excited to announce our next thrilling team activity; an Escape Game! After the visit was originally scheduled for February 27th, it has now been moved to March 12th! Get ready to infiltrate Blue Castle prison to save our compromised secret agent, or helpRead More
Chocolate Museum with StrasAIR
Dear StrasAIR members and friends, as Saint Valentine’s Day is approaching, we would like to invite you to visit Chocolate museum together. You are invited on a voyage of discovery through the Schaal Chocolate factory, past and present, tracing the route of the cocoa bean from the Equator all theRead More
On Sunday, February 6th, we had an amazing afternoon playing Lasertag at the Megazone Lasertag arena in Lingolsheim. Every player received a lasergun and wore a vest, which detected the laser beams from other players. We played in two teams of seven players, the goal was to tag as manyRead More
Bowling day with StrasAIR
Last Sunday afternoon (January 30th) we went bowling at the bowling center of the Jardin de l’Orangerie. Some of us may have scored more strikes than others, but everyone had the same amount of fun!
Ice Skating with StrasAir
Hi StrasAir members and friends! To kick start 2022 on a fun note, our first activity of the year will be ice skating! Get in the winter mood and join us at the Iceberg Ice Skating Rink for an hour of skating. When: 14h Sunday 23rd January 2022Where: European DoctoralRead More
Visit to Palais de Pain d’Epices
On December 11th we visited the Palais de Pain d’Epices Fortwenger in Gertwiller. We learned about the history of gingerbread and saw how these delicious biscuits are made. We could decorate and taste our own ‘Mannele’ (gingerbread man). In the end, we visited the charming Christmas market of Obernai.
Finding Alsace: Visit to Chateau du Haut-Koenigsbourg & La Montagne des Singes
On November 6th we went on a trip to the beautiful Haut-Koenigsbourg castle and the Montagne des Singes (Monkey Mountain). We first visited the Haut-Koenigsbourg castle in the Vosges, one of the most famous and most visited castle in Alsace and all of France. The castle was first built inRead More
Interassociation Halloween Party
StrasAIR, ADDAL, SPB, Dehspus and CDJDA have come together to bring to you our Interassociation Halloween Party! Check out some of the best and spookiest costumes below, and find even more on our Facebook Page!
Pumpkin Carving
To prepare Halloween, we met on October 25th at CDE to decorate and carve pumpkins together. Check out some of the artworks from our members below, and find even more on our Facebook Page!
Finding Alsace: Wine Tasting Scherwiller
In the latest event in our Finding Alsace series we visited the winery of Scherwiller on October 9th. We enjoined an an english-speaking tour in a bioclimatic cellar exclusively built of wood and straw. The winemaker himself showed us how the work wine cellar and the vineyard is done. DuringRead More