
Find out a little bit more about roles and actions of our committees.

If you are interested in working with a Committee, please contact the head of the chosen committee.

Social, Cultural & Sports

The Social Committee meets every month to discuss the organization of social, cultural and sports events for the members. Usually we garantee 4 or 5 events per month, of which at least one is a sport/fun sport activity with a reduced entry ticket.

Our fixed appointment is the Café Linguistique. The Café is the opportunity to gather the members and their friends around good food and good wine. Each month, the theme is about a different country and our members help in the organization by cooking delicious traditional food of their own country.


Tatjana Gerasimova & Rokas Kubilinskas –

Scientific Affaires

Is there a topic, an innovative discovery or a different way to do conferences you are interested about?

The Scientific Affaires Committe is there for all of our members willing to organize a conferenze / symphosium / scientific activity, helping financially and with our experience.


Baylar Zarbaliyev –

European Affaires

Being Strasbourg the city of many European institutions and being StrasAIR an association promoting unity and richness of diversity, the European Affaires Committee works on the organisation of conferences and workshops around the theme of Europe.


Teodor Cucuiet –

Career Development

StrasAIR thinks about the future of its members after the PhD.

The Career Development Committee’s aim is to give the members the opportunity to start building their career after the PhD before the end of it. For example, we are organizing a series of networking events (in collaboration with Addal).

If you want to participate in the organization and/or have new ideas, do not hesitate to contact us!


Baylar Zarbaliyev –

Doctoral Policy

StrasAIR is deeply involved into representing its members and all the PhD community at national and international level in associations like CJC (Council of Young Researcher) and Eurodoc which work for the rights of PhD students in France and in Europe.

If you would like to get involved in Doctoral Policy and participate in CJC meetings as StrasAIR representant, do not hesitate to contact us.


Teodor Cucuiet –


Part of StrasAIR work is also to let the world know we exist and we plan lot of interesting activity.

Our website needs constant update as well as our FB page and group. We also conceive our leaflets and posters of conferences.

If you have a creative side you want to show, do not hesitate to contact us.


Sven Jandura and Viktoria Zemtsova –